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Good food, new people

Ykw (You know who), has astounded the nation again by saying there are good people in the Klan and other Alt-Right people protesting. The images of the nothing-but-bones people in the death camps as well as images of lynchings haunt me and makes me astounded someone could say they are good people. It was stated today part of the job of being leader of this nation is to be a moral compass. It would be a sad and unrealistic optimism to think this about the person in charge. Although I am for divorce, his choice of a model for a third wife and her nakedness is another first. His body language coldness to her is such a contrast to the Obamas. Apparently ykw has pointed out how much support he has, but the number is largely "bots" who .are sent to inflate numbers in cases like this.

Kirk Alexander

11 hrs ·

I feel like this country Wile E Coyote'd itself off a cliff last November, and we can kind of tell that we're not on solid ground anymore but we're afraid of looking at the air beneath us because the instant that we do we'll start falling for real...

...But sooner or later it's gotta happen, because gravity can't be ignored forever

from Facebook with permission.

A foodie I know had a birthday party/fundraiser for Open Table Nashville. The leader of Open Table stated this meal raised $1100.

Open Table works with homeless individuals to get them into a shelter. he said one guy from perhaps Guatemala didn't have a birth certificate because there had been much turmoil and it took several years and $500 to get a copy so he could get housing. This, of course, is not the problem faced by many of us who have had the same address or job forever

The hostess and I have met at dinners from our church fundraisers and she often took photos of what she ate, which I do when it is interesting or especially well presented.

This meal was held at Lucky Bamboo off Charlotte. It was brought out in courses and was fabulous! There were almond crusted shrimp balls, fabulous green beans <!>, a shrimp and vegetables, potbellied pork, duck, and other offerings! There were melon balls at the end. SO GOOD!

There were three people I knew and three I didn't and we had a terrific conversation. The woman to my left had just returned from Cuba and of course I asked about the food. She said she asked a lot of people where to go and then had the bed and breakfast there make reservations. It was a delight to see a friend from my former job. In the small world department the person behind me and the friend knew a woman I worked for at Peabody and her husband. I knew then when our daughter was an infant.

I told the woman I worked for that I was worried that my children would wind up being much smarter than I. She replied that was probably going to be true, but that I will always have more experience, which is also true. It was comforting and true advice.

The hostess had people at each table (there were five) tell a joke. The table then voted on the best joke and each table's winner got a terrific bag of organic food. Very clever.

In the past I didn't think I would ever get to retire, so I asked people to tell me the downside. In seeing several retired people I knew it was lovely to admit I have joined their ranks. One woman asked if I had adjusted yet. My answer is that I do feel a bit guilty for sleeping as late as I do but then I go to bed about midnight. It works out. It is diving having time alone.

Not having to admit to students I don't know what classes they should take, how to fill out their FAFSA, where a building is with an abbreviation not on the list, being told not to sign students on our account but financial aid sending them over and saying we could sign them on....well, it's fabulous.

On the other hand, there were a lot of students I wish well and hope their year is terrific.

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